About Why


fly fishing guide hybrid bass north texas

After five years of writing and photography for Texas Fly Caster, in the middle of 2012, I was chased down by a guy and cornered, along with my wife, in a Sonic Drive In. “Are you the Texas Fly Caster? Are you the guy that has that site?” My first instinct was to hide, but my wife saved the moment without missing a beat, “Yes, he is!” (I had forgotten about the power of bumper sticker advertising.)

He went on, “Thanks for all that work you do! I read your site all the time. Say, where are the carp?” We exchanged information, in a conversation through my wife’s passenger side window, ranging into music and the fact he is in a popular local band.

Of course I was flattered, and bewildered at the same time. All I intended to do is “talk about the passion” for fly fishing, music and other pleasant distractions when I started Texas Fly Caster in 2007. I try to stay true to my motto, “Ego Eats Brain,” while attempting to bring you the information that comes through my experiences, and learning along the way. I also knew I had to hone my discipline when it came to writing, and Texas Fly Caster now demands all the pressure to produce that any old school editor could muster. It has helped me improve my skills enough to earn the tag “professional” writer to go along with all the other job titles.

I didn’t grow up fly fishing, but I did some growing up fishing, and maybe I am still growing up fly fishing. I come from the southern Tip of Texas, and the greatest memories of saltwater fishing – all over South Padre Island, Three Islands and the Arroyo Colorado. And that’s why I asked permission from my wonderful wife before I even picked up a fly rod. I was pretty sure it would consume me, and it did swallow me whole.

As we drove away from Sonic, my wife asked, “Why don’t you have an about page on your site? People want to know who it is doing all this.” I guess I didn’t have a good answer because here it is.

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