Adventure Partners
Great adventures begin with great gear.
Otherwise, they can end with agony, frustration and even anger. In fly fishing that is never more true.
Grandpa always said, “You get what you pay for,” but I bet he would freak if he saw what we fly fishers pay to be in the fight. After much time, many adventures and watching fly fishers cut corners – and losing – I BELIEVE that in fly fishing, “You Get What You Pay For.”
Apparently, something I do here, makes a good enough grade to deserve the partial support of the fine manufacturers listed below. If I could afford more products from these companies, I would buy all of it. I don’t seek companies that don’t make very good or excellent products. And I have left some companies behind over the years – because their products didn’t make the grade, their service was weak, or their marketing took advantage of fly fishers. And in 2024, I have left behind those companies that are price gouging under the GUISE of US inflation.
- Sage Fly Fishing
- Simms Fishing Products
- Hatch Reels
- Mountain Khaki
- Sawgrass Fly Rods
I have had complimentary gear sent to me to test over the years and I am still open for fair and balanced gear reviews. When it comes to hip clothing, there’s not a lot to review, but quality, durability and design still count. I basically do three reviews of the serious gear, a beginning, an update and (sometimes years later) a final goodbye and evaluation before gear goes to gear heaven. BE SURE TO CHECK out my gear reviews on YouTube today!
This partner list was updated AUGUST 2024. NOTE: I do keep past partners listed, whether I have purchased or reviewed them, for a certain period of time before dropping them.