Casting Lessons
Fly Rod Casting Lessons in Dallas and Fort Worth Texas

Lefty Kreh tries to explain something to me about my tennis elbow in February of 2013. That simple change he made fixed the problem – from that point forward I never suffered from tennis elbow again!
A great life fly fishing begins with being comfortable with casting a fly rod. It’s just that simple. If you look at someone casting a fly rod, and are blown away by the technicalities, or the coordination you think it takes – don’t be!
I am a huge fan of Lefty Kreh, have met him a few times through the years, and watched him teach lessons, had conversations and (against my will) even had him take a look at my cast on a sound stage recently (talk about a bright spotlight). As comprehensive as Lefty’s techniques are, I believe it leaves plenty of room for an individual’s unique characteristics. Lefty doesn’t do certifications. Lefty teaches for the masses in a way that is understandable and less frustrating than any other existing casting methodologies.
The first lesson is a two hour lesson. Everyone progresses at a different rate, so we schedule hours after that – at your pace. You should be ready after the first two hours to go away and work on what you’ve learned, and start catching fish. By the time you come back, you may have been on a fly rod for a lot of hours, but there’s always something. That’s the way fly fishing is.
Contact me for more information about casting lessons.
If you are interested in fly rod reviews, I have been doing them on YouTube for many years. There are not a lot of reviews, but they do go back for several years of fly rod production models. Check them out at the Texas Fly Caster YouTube Channel today!